Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What department stores do Parisians shop at for high-end clothing and accessories?

I got off at the Sevres Babylone metro stop and wandered into Le Bon Marche.  Le Bon Marche is a high-end department store.  When I entered, the first thing I saw were signs for Chanel, Dior, and other high-end brands.  The jewelry section had beautiful necklaces and bracelets for 100 euros on sale.

The first floor also had scarves and hats.

There was a wide selection of makeup on the first floor next to the accessories department.

The clothes were all very expensive and high-end, as were the shoes.  There is also a section for men's clothing.

Le Bon Marche is a department store to visit if you are looking for high-end designer attire, accessories, and shoes.

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