Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What types of shoes do Parisians wear?

Before coming to Paris, I had no idea what type of shoe to bring because I had heard that Parisians don't wear flipflops, and that is what I usually wear.  When I got there, I found that Parisians wore sandals but they always had some kind of unique design to them.  I also heard that gym shoes were a no-no.  But I did spot some Parisians wearing running shoes!

 Some shoes on the subway- on the far left is a pair of sandals with a band around the foot and then there is only a band around the toe in addition to that.  Rarely see these types of shoes in America!  On the right side a woman is wearing a nice pair of flats.
 Far left is a man wearing tennis shoes (ADIDAS), woman in the middle is wearing a nice pair of flats, and woman on the far right is wearing a strappy sandal
Some colorful sandals

Overall, I found that most women wore either some sort of ballet flat or some strappy sandals, but no flipflops!

What are some typical Parisian sweets?

In Paris, one sweet that is everywhere that is not found often in the United States are macarons.  Macarons are made from egg whites, sugar, ground almond, and food coloring.  While I didn't care too much for macarons, and only had a bite of one while in Paris, they are a must-try while in Paris, and people love them! There are interesting flavors such as pistachio and rose.
 The dessert that I ate a ton of, however, was fruit tarts.  I saw them everywhere! Here are some at Le Bon Marche.
 Some cakes at Le Bon Marche
Here are some cute chocolates in the shapes of shoes and other objects at a chocolate store in Paris.  Of course, there are always crepe stands everywhere throughout Paris to satisfy your sweet tooth.  Overall, I was impressed with the variety and taste of the sweets in Paris!

When is the best time to shop in Paris?

The best time for shopping in Paris in my opinion is the summer.  In the summer, most stores have great sales!

For example, this store is called Rebel Cashmere.  I went there and everything was extremely pricey, but then I went over to the sale rack and there was expensive clothing that was now on sale.  I managed to find the most perfect denim jacket here.  I was amazed at the amount of sales in Paris during the time I was there.  I wish they had the same thing back here in the US during the summer.

Where can a Parisian get a delicious crepe?

I had one of the best crepes while I was in Paris at Creperie Josselin, located at 67 rue du Montparnasse.  Although I am not a huge fan of crepes, especially ones that aren't the sweet kind but have in them instead eggs, ham, etc., the crepe I had at Creperie Josselin was excellent!
I ordered a crepe with ham and egg and it had just the right amount of filling inside of it.

The inside of the restaurant was packed, and the tables are extremely close together.  We had to move the table to get in and out of our seats.  The restaurant had a lively atmosphere and a homey feel to it.

Overall, I would definitely go back!